Thursday, March 15, 2007

Facts about our genetic disease (5)

In a sorrow, after our daughter passed away, we let our son to have this disease tested. Very unfortunately, he has this disease too, but the percentage of the abnormal cells in his body is much lower than his sister. Of course, we are so sad. It is a fact, we must accept this fate, and fight for the battle of life. Since we know that our son has this disease, we have to take all kinds of pre-caution. We wish our son can grow up to be a man one day. Our son is a very active and smart boy now. Nobody will suspect that he has this horrible genetic disease. He is still so young to understand the happenings in these days. I must write down Betty’s story, so that when he grows up one day, he can read this story about his sister himself and understand these sorrow days of our family.

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